Urban Highline in Amsterdam

Urban Highline in Amsterdam

Urban Highline in Amsterdam
In July 2014 Dream Walkers athletes Tom Peek and Jonas Konijnenberg established a new highline in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. The lines were set up between two formal offices. They were named after the street name where the buildings are placed combined with their length.
Wild-35 and Wild-55Report underneath by Tom Peek
When Jonas told me he had a friend living in an old office building that was perfect to rig highlines from, my eyes got bigger and we instantly drove over to the place to check it out. At the first sight, I got excited immediately! The place had opportunities for lines between 35 and 60 meters, and the lines were not visible from any surrounding roads. It wasn’t until 2 months later that we finally had time to return, but it was worth the wait. Rigging is a total cruise there, as you can just walk to the pillars on the roof on both sides and make an easy connection on the street underneath. We decided to rig the shortest possible length, which was 35 meters, with double Redtube from Slacktivity. After a lazy tensioning attempt with a linegrip and hangover, I decided to go and try the line.I didn’t prepare myself much mentally as I thought 35 meters would be an easy cruise, even at such low tension. After standing up and taking the first two steps I found myself shaking more than I was used to. The whole walk, I couldn’t really relax and get comfortable. On the other side I took a few minutes to inspect the rig again, catch my breath and focus a bit more. The way back however, was not any easier. Even though I could walk the line both ways on my first try without getting close to falling, it wasn’t easy. Jonas also struggled a bit, and needed a few tries before finally sending. We came to the conclusion that the Redtube is the hardest webbing to walk on that we have tried so far. The shakes are really violent, heavy and powerful. Even the slightest mistake can throw you off. Not what I was expecting at this length, but it’s nice to be challenged even on the shorter lines!
We decided to play around a bit more on the line, but take it fairly easy and come back the next day to rig the bigger line. We were a bit limited in length due to the piece of webbing we had available, but we still managed to put up a 55 meter highline on double Bluewing perpendicular to the shorter one. The rigging again went super fast, and I found myself really eager to leash in on the longest highline ever rigged in the Netherlands. I put on my favorite highline song in my ears, Anthem by Emancipator, scooted out and stood up. It was surprisingly easy and I walked to the other side without any problems. Without taking time to catch my breath I instantly went back on the line to walk to the other side. It was such an easy line compared to the shorter one, and I took all my time to enjoy it. Unfortunately, I was the only one able to send the longer line. Jonas gave it some good tries but didn’t get any further than a third of the line.The second day, the shorter line still remained as challenging as the first. We got company from a few Amsterdam slackliners that had their first tries on highlines and they all pushed the limits in their own way. Thanks to Steven, Soraya, Arno, Martin and Pim for keeping us company on the rooftops and making sure everything we did was done in the safest way possible! A special thank you goes out to Eelco, who opened up his house to us and allowed us to highline there.

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