The idea
The training

155m double Black & White (Slacktivity, 178g/m): 27.6kg
After about six of these two to four hour sessions I finally sent the line fully without falling. Training was far from done, though, so time for the next step… 185m double! Since I already wrote a blog about this line, I won’t bore you with the details, but just post the link here;
One week to go
One week before the record attempt, I still had to train my endurance. After all, I would need about 30 minutes of walking to cross the line, in my estimation. So I put on 1kg weights on both my wrists, and had three sessions of one long, continuous 500m walk along the 60m line. Feeling far from ready (besides, I didn’t stand on a single strand line for over 2 months, oops), I left Holland and started my hitchhiking.
One day left
Just before we left we checked out the 440m spot. Since it was not such a good spot, and we’d have to be at least 5m in the tree on one side, we decided we would go a bit shorter, and we found the perfect spot for: 405m, ~4m natural sag, 3m high anchor on one side, and 4m on the other side.

Record attempt day
Almost ready, we let the line relax a bit and had a quick lunch, because the last thing we would want is to hit the ground after walking 300m of the line. However, I just needed to try the line, I was too nervous to wait. I think Hari noticed this, because within one minute he was there to help me tension. Quickly it was done, and I immediately got onto the line. I stared in the distance. The far, far point of the end in the distance. It was too far away to even think about walking this thing, this line, this beast completely, so I just stared down for a minute. Getting ready. A deep breath, and I stood up.
The Walk

So far I’ve only been looking down, not more than 10 meters in front of me. I quickly glanced up to see how far I’d come. It felt like I would never reach the end. About 200m to go, more than 500 perfect steps in front of me. It seemed impossible.

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